At the Bat of an Eyelash...

The Official Website of John B. Castigador

MORE Power’s Castro leads ILED!
“Real leadership is about transforming limitations into possibilities.” – Robin Sharma At the election held at Citadines Hotel during the annual general assembly of Iloilo Economic Development (ILED) Foundation,...
Let the games begin…
“Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” – Heywood Broun Yes, it’s the time of the year when MORE Power employees take time out from their routine to engage in the company’s Annual Sportsfest!...
MORE Power spearheads blood donation drive versus dengue
“Blood is meant to circulate. Pass it around.” — Anonymous With the very high demand for blood packs during the rainy season in the country, MORE Power initiated a blood donation drive to answer...
MORE Power took ILECO III to court; basketball court, that is!
“You don’t play against opponents, you play against a game of basketball.” – Bobby Knight MORE Power’s quick visit to Iloilo’s 5th District received a warm welcome from the employees of ILECO III. The...