At the Bat of an Eyelash...

The Official Website of John B. Castigador

Students tour MORE Power Substation
“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take away from you.” – B. B. King Taking a tour of MORE Power, thirty-one students from Tuburan Adventure Club of Paref Westbridge, a private school...
Two in a row!
Jasmine Castelo, Joel Catong, June June Sia and Nacy Hechanova “With a good friend, the hours are short.” — Basque Proverb The late MAURICE ARCACHE, a well-loved top society chronicler in the...
Franchise for Negros Power was signed and sealed by PBBM.
“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving goals.” – Henry David Thoreau The franchise for Negros Electric and Power Corporation (NEPC) gets presidential...
Art Exchange
Katawhan: Bayluhanay 2024 participating artists from Luzon and Visayas. “The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude.” – Friedrich Nietzsche Metro-Iloilo’s art scene was abuzz when Iloilo...