At the Bat of an Eyelash...

The Official Website of John B. Castigador

A festive night at the Strewberry Mansion
(First Photo) Dr. Breann Chaplin-Neric and Beverly Rosales-Chaplin, (Second Photo) Norma Padilla-Rosales and Marilen Salazar, and (Third Photo) Joji Rosales and Dr. Nikko Cid. “The greatness of a culture...
MORE Power gets a seal of approval from Iloilo City Council!
“Recognition is the fuel for future success.”– Chris Richardson A resolution was recently passed by the Iloilo City Council recognizing the remarkable contributions of MORE Power to the city’s economic...
Supreme Court says Yes to MORE Power's Expansion!
“The Supreme Court has made its decision, let them enforce it.” – Andrew Jackson, 7th President of the United States of America A petition filed by the Iloilo Electric Cooperatives (ILECOs) seeking to...
MORE Power is ready for Dinagyang!
“Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer Iloilo City’s sole power distribution utility, MORE Electric and Power Corporation (MORE Power), is more...