At the Bat of an Eyelash...

The Official Website of John B. Castigador

New and state of the art Mobile Substation of MORE Power Iloilo is here!
The newly acquired state of the art mobile substation of MORE Power Iloilo “Electricity is really just organized lightning.” – George Carlin Yes, the new and modern 30/36 MVA mobile substation, recently...
More than a woman
Dr. Pacita Trinidad-Gonzalez with Dr. Aileen Espina, Jojo T. Gonzalez, Dr. Marigold T. Gonzalez and Dennis Gonzalez “In order to be irreplaceable one must be always be different.” – Coco Chanel An extraordinary...
18 vie for 3 Miss Iloilo 2023 crowns
“Crowns are not made of rhinestones. They are made of discipline, determination, consistency and rare trait called courage.” – April Marochick Now that the general situation is slowly going back to pre-pandemic...
It’s clean and green for MORE
“Some trash is recycled, some is thrown away, some ends up where it shouldn’t end up.” – Carlo Ratti As part of their social responsibility, MORE Power employees promote the spirit of volunteerism in the...