A warm welcome fit for a queen!

Miss Eco Philippines 2025 Alexie Mae C. Brooks at Meet ad Greet Event at SM City Iloilo during her homecoming. (Photo by Sherwin Bachoco)

“Homecoming is when someone makes you believe in love.”Kayva Dixit

ALEXIE MAE C. BROOKS, the newly crowned Miss Eco Philippines 2025, went home to Iloilo City to a warm and jubilant welcome! She surprised everyone with her new hairstyle!

Despite the rain, the motorcade around the city’s main thoroughfare went on as scheduled!

Yours truly with Sarah O. Peña, Beverly Rosales Chaplin, Susie C.Facultad and Joji Rosales Cid.

John Montinola (seated) with Peach Garde, Fritz Caancan, Peter Jousha Fortit Faduga, Tata Blas, Maki Gu and Rommel C. Calceña.

After a quick change from a red gown to a blue gown (both by FRITZ CAANCAN), she attended a full capacity Meet and Greet in her honor at the Event Center of SM City Iloilo!

Iloilo Festivals Foundation, Inc. President Allan Tan and Chair Judgee Lopez Peña.

Miss Iloilo Committee Co-Chair Sarah O. Peña and IFFI Corporate Treasurer/Board Director Ivy Gurrea

Miss Iloilo committee Finance Officer Susie Facultad and Co-Chair Beverly Rosales Chaplin

IFFI Board Director/Legal Officer Atty. Gene Hautea and friend.

It was followed by an invitation-only dinner at Theo’s. In attendance were Iloilo Festivals Foundations Inc. (IFFI) Chair JUDGEE LOPEZ PEÑA and President ALLAN TAN, IFFI Corporate Treasurer IVY GURREA, IFFI Board Directors Dr. RONALD LATAP and Atty. EUGENIO HAUTEA, Miss Iloilo Committee Co-chairs SARAH O. PEÑA and BEVERLY ROSALES CHAPLIN and Treasurer SUE FACULTAD, and couple Drs. RED and RISA SARABIA (née PEÑA). Of course, the ever-supportive Ilonggo fashion designers, and members of Miss Iloilo Committee were also there.

Hotelier Robert Alor and IFFI Board Director Dr. Ronald Latap

Paulein M. Paredes of Miss Iloilo Committee and Miss Eco Philippines 2025 Alexie Mae C. Brooks

Drs. Red and Risa Sarabia (née Peña)

Sheila M. Draper and Miss Eco Philippines 2025 Alexie Mae C. Brooks

ALEXIE MAE C. BROOKS, who represented her hometown, the Municipality of Leon, at the Miss Iloilo 2024 Pageant, will raise our flag in Egypt at the Miss Eco International Pageant sometime in February of 2025!

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